Zynthian Kits

Currently you can buy Zynthian Kits in the Zynthian Shop:


This post is kept by historic reasons only and you shouldn’t use it as a reference for buying zynthian kits nevermore.

Hi @Zynthianers!

This is the list of Zynthian Kits that i’ve prepared for those who don’t feel the desire of building his Zynthian Box completely from scratch :wink:

The original post is from September 2016, but i update regularly the list of kits, prices and availabilities.
Last update: 2017-10-09

Product Price Status
Zynthian Controller Single PCB3€Available
Zynthian 2in1 PCB6€Available
Zynthian All-in-One PCB10€Available
Zynthian Basic Kit80€Available
Zynthian Basic Kit pre-built150€Available
Steel Case Kit "Black Label"120€Sold Out!
Aluminum Case Kit75€Available
Wooden Case Kit35€Available
Zynthian Basic Kit + Aluminum Case Kit150€Available
Zynthian Basic Kit + Wooden Case Kit110€Available
Zynthian Bundle All-but-the-Case Kit190€Available
Zynthian Bundle All Alu-case Kit260€Available
Zynthian Bundle All Alu-case Kit pre-built350€Available
Zynthian Bundle All Wooden-case Kit220€Available
Zynthian Bundle All Wooden-case Kit pre-built310€Available
Zynthian Bundle All Steel-case Kit300€Sold Out!
Zynthian Bundle All Steel-case Kit pre-built390€Sold Out!

Shipping is not included in the prices above. It depends of total weight and shipping address.

People interested in getting one of this kits can reply on this post or contact me directly by private message. Click my user’s avatar!

Note: From October 2016, the new controller modules replace the old ones. I’ve split the controller module in 2 single units to improve modularity and for an easier replacement.

Note 2017-10-09: The new Aluminum Cases are ready! This cases are slighty bigger, designed for the OzzMaker PiScreen-2 display (3.5"), that replaces the smaller PiTFT 2.8" display. Also have MIDI-IN and MIDI-OUT connectors.

The Zynthian Basic Kit includes:

  • 4 x Zynthian Controller Single Modules
  • 1 x Zynthian All-In-One Module
  • 1 x Main Ribbon Bus Cable
  • 1 x Wiring Kit (JST connectors)
  • 40 pin + 3 pin connectors for the HifiBerry

The Zynthian Basic Kit pre-built has all the parts soldered on the PCBs, like this:

Note: This photo shows the Kit v1 pre-built
Note: You have to solder the HifiBerry connectors yet!

The Aluminum Case Kit includes:

  • Aluminum Case
  • 4 x “Moog Style” Knobs
  • 2 x Jack Mono Connectors (audio line-out)
  • 2x MIDI Connector (a decent one ;-))
  • 4 x Rubber bumps
  • Spacers, bolts and nuts

The Wooden Case Kit is the same, but the case is made of “DMF 3mm”, cutted with lasser:

The Steel Case Kit is the same, but the case is made of hard Steel. Heavy and expensive, i know, but absolutely solid and unbreakable. This case was used for the first prototypes, those with black-red knobs that you can see in the website. This is the BEST official case that Zynthian will have ever, and the 2 remaining units probably are the last ones you can get. It’s “black label”, no serigraphy!

Finally, i have prepared the Bundle All Kit that includes everything you need to build a zynthian box:

  • Zynthian Basic Kit, with PCBs, electronic parts, wiring and knobs
  • Aluminum Case Kit, with nuts, bolts and case connectors
  • RBPi 3
  • HifiBerry DAC+
  • TouchScreen Clonic PiTFT (2.8") or Original OzzMaker PiScreen 2 (3.5")

Of course, if you don’t need some part because you already have it, i’ve no problem with “customizing” the kit to fit your needs.

There is a pre-built version too, so you don’t need to solder anything if you don’t want, only plug the wires and screw the bolts :wink:

Note: This photo shows the steel-case “black label” with Kit v1

This is the “official” reference info for building a Zynthian Box using the kits offered here:

These are older references that you could find useful too:

And for the braves who likes the hard way, here is all the info you need for building a zynthian box from from scratch:

Best Regards!


Hello @jofemodo

Great news for the cases!! :-))

I still save some money to buy a zynthian box… :slight_smile:

I see that you propose a pre-built version where there would be no soldering to do

quick question:
why not to propose a completely built version (ready to use)?

and another quick question:
Zynthian can be used in MONO? (by connecting only one jack to the left or right output…?)



Hi @Loud65!

Currently i’ve not a completely built version. By now, i would like that Zynthian users travel the last mile for themselves, but perhaps in the near future i (or others) could offer the finished unit too.

Anyway, if someone is really interested in getting a finished unit, he can ask me :wink:

And of course, you can use only one of the outputs, but you will get only one channel, not a mix of both. This has to be done configuring the software.


but you will get only one channel, not a mix of both.

this is what I was asking you

thank you very much for your clear answer :wink:

Hi @all!

From October 2016, the new controller modules replace the old ones. I’ve split the controller module in 2 single units to improve modularity and for easier replacement when an encoder breaks.


would you still have a ‘Zynthian Bundle All Kit’ available ?
pm me ?

Hello everybody and happy Christmas.

My Raspb 3 and HiFi Berry DAC+ are ordered!

Now, making economies. Till end January I hope to receive the rest of the kit, case included.

Happy New Year.

Hi @Mister_Carrington!
We wil be waiting for your news!! :wink:

Happy New Year!:tada:

Hi! I love the sound of this project. I’m interested in building a Zynthian. I’d like to purchase the “Zynthian Kit + Aluminum Case Kit” bundle. I live in Seattle, WA.

PM me, please!

Hi jofemodo,

How can I order an "Aluminum Case Kit"
how to contact you directly by private message ?

7 posts were split to a new topic: Mounting my Zynthian Box Kit

i would like to buy the zynthian Kit. Please contact me, i don’t know how to write a private massage… ;-(
best regards

Hi there,

I’d really like to purchase the Zynthian Bundle All Kit pre-built. Would be possible to buy it without the Pi? I already have a couple of 3s that a I can use. Could you replay here or send me a PM?

Thank you!

Hi, would like to buy a Zynthian Kit pre-built + Auluminium Case Kit. Contact me please!

Hi, I want to buy one Zynthian Basic Kit + Aluminum Case Kit with shipping to France. Thanks :slight_smile:

Hello Jofemodo, I’would like to order the Zynthian Bundle All Kit (250€ + shipping). Please contact me!

Hello Jofemodo, I’would like to order the Zynthian Bundle All Kit (250€ + shipping to the Netherlands ). Please send me your bank transfer details!

Hi ! Actually I’ve just sent you an email but figured out it would be more clever to post here.

I intend (at last !) to get a Zynthian box. However I have a minimalistic AMP that behaves as a (Linux supported) USB DAC. Does Zynthian support USB DAC, with no additional lag ?

Is there any issue when using the Zynthian case without the Hifiberry ?

cheers !

Hi Mahen!

USB audio interfaces are not very recommended, but you can use it with Zynthian and normally it should work without problem. Of course, you would need to change some lines in the configuration files :wink:


I would like to order a completely assembled box, but short of that, the assembly kit that requires least amount of time. Prefer no soldering. Willing to pay quite a bit in USD $

I private messaged but just wanted to be sure.
